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Health Benefits of Green Tea

"It's better to be deprived of food for three days,  than green tea for one".... Ancient Chinese proverb .

Tough on cold

During winters the most prevalent and troublesome disease is catching a cold. You! takes a look at the causes, symptoms and some home remedies to relieve cold...

Issues Sweating

Sweating is something everyone experiences  and it is said to be good for the human body. However,  there is an ailment that causes one to sweat more than required. You! takes a look...

Beating the Blues with Exercise...

Exercise as an antidote to depression and anxiety is  not a new concept.

Dyslexia? (Teach me to learn...)

Intro: Dyslexia is a disorder in which a child has  difficulty to read. You! takes a look...

Treasure ur Bones

Osteoporosis is a condition that is characterized by a  decrease  in  the density of bones that results  in fragile bones. You! takes a look...

Dental Trouble

Intro: This week You! takes a  look at several tooth problems and how one  can cure them...

One More Tips for Hand & Nail Stain Remover

One Tips For Foundation (In Urdu)

Tips for Your Beautiful Lips

The Behavioural issue!

Many parents aren't aware, but their child could be suffering from a behavioral disorder. Children with this disability behave in different and socially unacceptable ways and parents need to be well informed to deal with the problem effectively. You! takes a look...

Sons and mothers

Mother is the pivot of a child's life. Sometimes the loving heart and arms of a mother are cruelly wrenched, and the child becomes a monster. You! peers into the dark, ugly world of mother abusers and matricide offenders...

Smile benefits for Health

Smiling is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress and add friends. But apparently there are 10 other benefits of a smile to one’s health.

Stop calling me aunty...

It is the oldies, especially men who call me 'baji' (older sister), 'bari baji' (even older sister) or even 'aunty'. These are the type of people that ruin a perfectly good day. I mean, are they blind?

To Live a Happy Life

Life can be tough on many of us but we need to try to find a light at the end of the tunnel. You! gives four sure ways to live and lead a happy life!...

Skin Care

Different types of skin have to be taken care of in a different manner and products should be used accordingly. You! takes a look at different skin types so you can identify whether your skin is dry, oily, sensitive, normal or combination...

What foods are ideal in pregnancy?

A nutritious diet is necessary for the mothers-to-be  as well as for the babies....

Most Common Reason Given For Not to EXERCISE

 No Time.....Gym No Close.....................Ext. More...............Details see continue...........

The lethal 'C'

Gynecologists  have made it necessary for all expecting mothers to get themselves tested for Hepatitis C. 

The Benefits of Growing Taller

Many people spend their time worrying about they can Grow Taller Increase Height.......

Your Feet and Boots for the Harsh Winter Weather

The weather is changing outside and it is time  to put away those flip-flops and sandals....

Omega-3 Fats Provide Powerful Fertility Benefits

Omega-3 fatty acids have recently been shown to  play a key role in the development of healthy sperm.

Beauty Tips For Oily Skin

Home-remedies  Tips for Oily Skin

Some Useful Tips for your skin..............

Read on to find out about tips that can make your skin beautiful...

Monitor your baby's growth

This week, You! takes a look at stillbirth and its causes...

How a Drug is Developed (Research)

What's the secret to a long and healthy life?

Over the last 200 years, the life expectancy of the average human being has doubled and research has shown that in each passing year, 3 months can be added to the worldwide estimation of 65 years for men and 70 for women.

The UnForeseen Dangers......

In this day and age, parents need to be more updated and informed in order to save their children from the dangers lurking in the use of technology. You! takes a look.

Simple test can save lives from cervical cancer

What's the secret to a long and healthy life?

Over the last 200 years, the life expectancy of the average human being has doubled  and research has shown that in each passing year, 3 months can be added to the  worldwide estimation of 65 years for men and 70 for women.  

Menopause, Weight Gain

Gaining weight is common after menopause. In fact, about 30% of women aged 50 to 59 are not just overweight, but obese.

Alex Ghica's Weight Loss

Success story of weight loss

Health Insurance Benefits to Consider in 2012....

Health Insurance Benefits

Get Expert Advice When Dealing With A Health Insurance Claim..

Whilst recuperating from a period of ill health, one thing you don’t  want to deal with is a pile of medical invoices and  indecipherable statements from your health insurance ..........................

Always Be Healthy by Using 8th Health Tips

All of us make little health mistakes that cause damage to our bodies in the long run - simply because we are unaware we are doing something wrong. Here are some of the most common mistakes made by many of us.  Cross Your legs  

How to Living healthy..?

Blood Pressure, Diabetes and given the current heat wave  our region is suffering from these days

How to remove Fatness(Mootapa)...?

Preventing Weight Gain...

If you're currently at a healthy weight, you're already one step ahead of the game. To stay at a healthy weight, it's worth doing a little planning now.

Try the fitness challenge to find out how strong you are.

Ask 10 experts for their definition of fitness, and you’ll hear 10 different answers.

How to Prevent Man Boobs

This may be a funny topic, except that for some  people it is  very real, and embarrassing.  Parents and  young males should take  note of contributing factors, making this an entirely preventable problem.

How to gain weight...? (Wazan kaisay badhain)

The Pandemic fever!

Intro: The dengue virus scare is increasing day by  day as the disease continues to spread worldwide. You! takes a look at the signs and symptoms of the virus...